Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh on Friday presented a “theory” on what happened to the missing Malaysian plane that has so far stumped the world.
“How about this theory: The jet is flying along and you have a total electronic failure but the engines keep working,” he began. “We’ve been told that the airplane kept sending data somehow, pinging a satellite even after it was lost from radar. There have been so many confusing reports on whether or not the data that was pinging was coming from the engines or not.”
Limbaugh continued: “But what happened if, and my guess is as good as any, you’ve got an airplane flying along, you have a total electronics failure but it continues to be airworthy, the engines are working. I don’t know if this is possible, given an electronic ignition and all that, let’s say it is. So then the crew says we’ve got to get back home we have got to get back to Kuala Lumpur, we can’t fly with no electronics-it’s dark, night time, they fly over a bunch of unfriendly countries and they cant identify themselves and they’re not identified, there are no lights on-there has been a total electronics failure.”
“What if some hostile country flew up there and shot it down and then discovered their mistake and nobody wants to admit that’s what happened?” he pondered.
The theory, as Limbaugh himself admits, is nothing more than a guess. In fact, theories seem to be all there are relating to the missing plane as people itch to know what really happened.
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