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Friday, September 5, 2014

Simple Math Problems Become Complex Under Common Core

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Asserting that young U.S. schoolchildren may not be “comfortable” solving a simple addition problem such as 9+6, a Common Core math teacher is providing a minute-long, abstract explanation of how kids can add an extra step to avoid the number problem.
Thursday on Fox News’ “The Five,” host Greg Gutfeld shared a “Homework Helper” video in which the teacher, Ilene Ryan, states, “Our young learners might not be altogether comfortable thinking about what 9+6 is. They are quite comfortable thinking about their friend, 10. Ten is emphasized in our young grades as we’re working in a base 10 system. So if we can partner nine to a number and anchor 10, we can help our students see what 9+6 is.”
The teacher then proceeds to “decompose” the six, explaining that the number is “made up of parts,” including one and five. She then “anchors” the nine to the one to make 10 and adds 10+5 to get 15.
“Partner, anchor, decompose?” Gutfeld asked. “That’s not math. That’s ‘The Silence of the Lambs!’”
The instruction video was posted on YouTube, where it has received more than 150 comments, including the following one from a poster known as “pastorart1974″:
“The young Marine, on the battlefield, knows his rifle has a 15 round [magazine]. He has fired 6 rounds already. His sergeant asks how many rounds he has left. During the Vietnam War, the Marine replies, 9!
“In our next war, by the time our young Marine figures out the answer, he and his sergeant have been killed by the enemy.”
Other reactions include the following:
  • “[T]his effort to ‘dumb down’ the basics for the sake of a touchy feely approach is beyond me. Why wouldn’t I feel ‘uncomfortable’ about adding 9+1? Additionally, decomposing 6 involves an additional math step. “
  • “Let me get this straight, 9+6 is ‘uncomfortable’ but 1+5 and 1+9 are not.  What!?  ‘Our friend 10.’ Seriously!? Whoever thought this was a good idea needs to be punished in the worst possibly way. They should be forced to do all the Common Core homework.”
  • “I think I just had a stroke. … Why would I want my grandchildren to be subjected to this nonsense?  What self-righteous idiot sits around and thinks up this cr-p? Then we wonder why we are NOT the leaders in education.”
  • “And this is the exact reason when a young person hands me change from a $20 on a $16.38 bill, they freak out. They are trying to figure out how to ‘decompose’ 38 cents instead of just doing SIMPLE MATH. Hell, they even have a machine to tell them how much money to actually hand me back!”
  • “Close all government schools and fire all government teachers ASAP.”
  • “Honestly, I’m starting to think this is all part of some plan to destroy us from within. “
  • “There’s a very particular reason common core isn’t synonymous with common sense.”\
  • “9 + 6 = 15 … Look, I solved it while also skipping the bulls–t.”


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