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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

White Christians Are Now Experiencing What Jews Have Had To Deal With For Centuries!

By David Malone, Author Of The Most Politically Incorrect Blog On Earth.

White Christians: The Most Reviled Species

It is now official. To quote Al Gore, it’s settled science. The white Christian has become the lowest form of life. Actually, there is a subspecies to which I belong, called the southern white Christian male (meridionali Candida Christianus masculus), that is the lowest of the low. At least that is the prevailing view of most left wing zealots, the state owned media, and, of course, radical Islam. Although they have not resorted to beheadings and suicide bombings, I believe the group that despises us most is the religion of Atheism. (Anyone that believes that Atheism is not a religion is fooling themselves. They are an organized group with an agenda of proselytizing everyone to their beliefs, or unbelief. That is the definition of a religion.)  The irony is that atheists claim to oppose all forms of organized religion. But do you ever see them and their ACLU partners going after Muslims? Have you ever heard one of these rabid, foaming at the mouth, radicals say they were offended by the crescent and star, the Quran, or prayer rugs? How many of them have you even heard condemning terrorist attacks? (I hear the unmistakable sound of chirping crickets) But try putting a manger scene, no matter how unobtrusive, anywhere on city property and they have to start popping Xanax and scheduling appointments for therapy. That’s after they sue the city to have the unsightly wise men and the dirty sheep and cattle removed.
But it’s not just the atheist who give a pass to every religion on earth, save Judaism and Christianity. It’s the vast majority of the media, because that vast majority is now made up of far-left, elite academia, robots. Their favorite pastime is to excoriate our Founding Fathers and rewrite history. They brand the Founders as pious, slave owning, white devils that stole the land on which their country was founded, and proceeded to try and introduce a Laissez-faire economic system that, in their opinion, was terribly inferior to socialism. In their minds, capitalism exploited the workers and raped the land, though it is an undeniable fact that capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty, freed more people from bondage, and done more for conservation than any economic system the world has or ever will see.
Just this week I read an online article from a popular magazine titled, Why Do So Many Liberals Despise Christianity? The author calls it an irrational animus against Christians. He goes on to list two stories written by Christian blogger, Rod Dreher. One is from an essay in Slate, where the author, Brian Palmer, discusses the prevalence of missionary doctors and nurses fighting Ebola in West Africa. These men and women are risking their lives with very low pay in terrible conditions. One would wonder why anyone would have a problem with that. While Dreher admits that their sacrifice is admirable, he has to point out that he doesn’t believe these dedicated angels of mercy can be objective and don’t believe them capable “of separating their religious work from their medical work.” He further states, “It’s great that these people are doing God’s work, but do they have to talk about Him so much?” Try finding a group of atheist doctors and nurses to replace them, Mr. Palmer. Good luck with that.
Now, you ask me why  the title only mentions white Christians. I’ll tell you why. First of all, I’m only referring to Christians in America. Christians in the Middle East and other parts of the world where radical Islam, Communism, and other subversive governments and theocracies have control are committing atrocities against Christians the likes of which we can’t imagine. These Christians are the true faithful and their faith has been tested beyond anything we here in the U.S. can conceive. But if we wait long enough, and allow the basic foundations of our Christian heritage continue to be torn asunder, we may find ourselves in a similar situation to our brothers and sisters in these heathen ridden countries. Don’t think that just because we live in the relative safety of a country guarded by a republican government that it will never happen here.
There are people out there now; people that wield the power of the media, the power of the purse, and who have infiltrated the halls of congress, who are trying to destroy our constitution. Once they have succeeded with that endeavor, our Christian faith will be attacked as well. A casualty of war, if you will. You see, the very idea of big government socialism is to adhere to the dogma that government is omnipotent and omniscient. That we (the subjects) don’t posses the intelligence to think for ourselves or know what is best for our progeny. And religion, especially a religion that relies on faith in an omnipotent and omniscient God, is a mortal enemy of such a government. In fact, it is it’s greatest threat. Why do you think one of the first things communist countries do is ban all forms of religion? They can’t allow the citizens to have hope or faith in anything but government, that’s why.
“But you still haven’t said why you specifically mention white Christians,” you say. I’ll answer that now. As part of the divide and conquer method of warfare the far-left zealots use, none is more powerful than the division of race. If you disagree with anything they say, they will invariably find a way to play either the race card, label you a homophobe, an Islamaphobe, or call you an ignorant, flat-earth believing Christian. That’s about all their playbook consists of, since their entire belief system is built on a fallacy. But their most powerful tool is race. That’s because some of our ancestors engaged in the ugly, deplorable and ungodly institution of slavery. Yes it WAS terrible. But thanks to our constitution and the incredible vision of our Founders (some of whom were also slave owners), and brave and brilliant men like Frederick Douglass and countless others, we eradicated that awful abomination. It lasted less than a hundred years, once our constitution was ratified. But the left-wingers won’t let it go. And it’s not because they love black people, I promise you. Of course, some of the zealots ARE black, and chastise any other black man or woman who dares to step off the socialist plantation. They have created a permanent underclass with government programs that are ostensibly benevolent, but are as addictive as the worst narcotic drug. And there is where their power lies. I mean, who is going to vote themselves out of a monthly check? And yes, I know there are more whites than blacks that receive stipends, but so what? It’s a terrible, addictive, disincentivizing practice, no matter what color the recipient happens to be. And I’m not saying there shouldn’t be a social safety net for those who really need it. Churches and other institutions used to fill those needs, but those days are long gone. They have been replaced by an all seeing, all caring, all knowing government that wants to invoke cradle to grave care for everyone. Keep in mind that this type of system has never worked in all of human history, but the leftists think they can get it right this time. After all, there has never been anyone who ever lived that care as much as they do.
Now I know there are those who may be reading this and fuming. I can see the foam coming from the corners of their mouths and dripping off their chins. They are calling me a racist, and I am anything but. Believe it or not, I don’t really care. Slavery ended 150 years ago. But the leftists won’t let it go. They can’t let it go. It is one of the greatest weapons in their arsenal. They must create hatred and division between the races. Therefore, only certain people qualify to be offended. Black people are the most qualified, because no matter how much time goes by, or how much good people do, the leftists are not going to let slavery and the Jim Crow laws die. The majority of these leftists are white themselves, so they must act as though they are ashamed of their very existence. They believe whites are the most evil race in the history of mankind, but if you are ashamed enough, and throw enough tax payer money around, you still can and should be running things. So, therefore, being white is about as bad as it gets. But if you happen to be a white Christian….. I rest my case. Oh, and one other thing. We Christians are supposed to ” love our enemies, bless those who curse us, do good to those who hate us, and pray for those who spitefully use us and persecute us.” And we should, because that’s what Jesus told us to do. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do every peaceful thing in our power to stop those who would do such things from positions of power and influence.
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