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Ben Stein is one of Hollywood’s more intelligent stars. He’s a brilliant economist and author, and has produced some of the more enlightening documentaries in the past 15 years.
And Ben Stein is sick of Obama.
What’s he so upset about?
Stein alleges that Obama is perhaps “the most racist president of all time.” So how does he back up a huge allegation like that?
Stein says that it’s the race baiting tactics used by Obama, whether the Treyvon Martin incident, or the recent Ferguson fiasco, that has Obama trying to “divide America” on racial lines.
Stein is quick to recount that historically, the Democratic party is one of the most racist of all time.
As he noted, in the past it was the Democrat Party that fought to keep slavery and it was the same Democrat Party that created the Jim Crow laws that kept blacks impoverished.
“The Republicans are the most pro-black party there’s ever been,” Stein said. “The Republicans are the ones who passed all the civil rights laws back in the 60’s, not the Democrats.”
And the Democrats are the ones who have kept minority groups “trapped” in the welfare state.
Many leaders in the African American community have been saying these things as Obama’s approval rating plunges. Cornel West, the famous intellectual, recently spoke about Obama and said that he has turned his back on the black community and has put them deeper in the hole than they where they were in 2008.
And that’s what Stein is picking up on.
Obama and his Democrat pals have been trying to sway blacks to vote for him because he’s black and… well… because. It’s the old “I’m black and whites hate me” routine.
But the truth is Obama hasn’t done much of anything to help blacks (or whites) other than to enlarge the nanny state and create a cycle of dependence. So both races should be made at him.
Stein’s clued into this and wants the American public to know this too. Remember this has been Obama’s plan all along. The bigger the nanny state gets, the more power Democrats have to control your lives.
One of the biggest problems with the nanny state is the number of people onfood stamps. This form of welfare hurts the economy and causes food prices to rise. If you want to save money on food you need to check out this video…