Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said recently that a gun confiscation program like Australia’s 1996 and 2003 buy-back programs in which the government of that country collected more than half a million banned semi-automatic rifles and other firearms is “worth considering.” However, Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott says that’s not going to happen:
“NOT IN TEXAS –> Clinton suggests mandatory gun buy-backs sparking fears of confiscation,” Abbott tweeted Sunday.
Abbott was referring to a Fox News report on a comment Clinton made Friday during a campaign stop in New Hampshire, where an attendee asked the Democratic presidential candidate about Australia’s gun buy-back program.
“I think it would be worth considering doing it on the national level, if that could be arranged,” Clinton said.
The comment came as Clinton continues to try to draw a contrast between herself and fellow Democratic candidate Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is more lenient when it comes to guns. Sanders and Clintonhad a heated exchange on the topic during the first Democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas last week.